Calling All Women: Time for War

Sherese Dawkins, Guest Columnist

With all the speculation about a World War 3, nobody truly knows what is going on. However, we do know that if there is another war there may be a draft. People will be drafted to join the military or to help out in the war efforts however they can fit in. But the question is: Who will be drafted? Will women be included? Feminist all over the world have been complaining about how messed up the world is and how we need more equality, so they might just get what they asked for. In the next World War 3, women might be included.

Males 18 – 25 years old are required by law to have registered within 30 days of their 18th birthdays and must notify Selective Service within 10 days of any changes to information they provided on their registration cards, such as a change of address. If not done, this violation can be considered a felony. Back in 1981, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that requiring only men to register for the draft was constitutional, since there were US laws that banned women from fighting in combat. We can only look forward to this law being extended to include women.

Women are already enrolled in the military, so we already know that if there is another war then women will be included. The U.S. military will keep the women they already have and most likely draft more women. Women are already enrolled in the Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Army, so technically the first step has already been taken, and it is a matter of time until women are eligible to be drafted into war.

Women will not only be nurses like they have been in the past, but this time, they will probably be on the battle field with the men. Women will be trained (and they already are being trained) to operate machinery that will be needed for the war. Deborah James is a female who has already joined the Air Force and when she was asked how she would feel about women joining the war she said, “I have no problem with women registering for the draft.”

However some people disagree, If women who can’t even hold a gun steadily is put in the army, then it’ll compromise the lives of her team and herself in the process, and they would’ve died for nothing.” Though perhaps hurtful to some, the opinion behind this thought is not uncommon. But the same concept can be said about men, ‘Women shouldn’t be drafted. Men shouldn’t be drafted. No one should be, ever. If you take someone who doesn’t want to be there and try to make a soldier out of them, it’s not right”. While I agree with the latter statement, I believe there is nothing that we can do and that women will be drafted in the next war.

So, I think that if in fact World War 3 is going to happen, women will be drafted this time with the men, and they will be on the battle filed despite the speculation and ridicule. Women have already taken the first step and enrolled in the armed forces. Therefore, if the troops we have now are sent out to war, women will be included in those troops.