Hillcrest’s DECA & Culinary Clubs Working Together

(Hillcrest’s DECA & Culinary Clubs working together to prepare Crispy Rice Treats: Mrs. Sweeney, Kecia Poole, Culinary Student, and Antoine Thompson)

Just like Crispy Rice cereal and marshmallows can become something greater than their parts when mixed together so to can Hillcrest’s DECA and Culinary Clubs.

Hillcrest’s DECA & Culinary Clubs working together to prepare Crispy Rice Treats: Mrs. Sweeney, Kecia Poole, Culinary Student, and Antoine Thompson

Working together to accomplish more, Members of Mrs. Benda’s DECA club collaborated with Ms Sweeney’s Culinary Club in a winter fundraiser. Students from both clubs met after school to make large quantities of Crispy Rice treats that were sold outside the lunchroom during lunch hours.  

Hillcrest’s DECA & Culinary Clubs working together to prepare Crispy Rice Treats: Taliah Woodson, Taylor Winbush and Brittney Jennings

Students volunteered their time to raise money needed for upcoming competitions and field trips.

We are proud of our students for finding ways to work together to achieve a common goal.

Hillcrest’s DECA & Culinary Clubs working together to sell Crispy Rice Treats: Taylor Winbush, Brittney Jennings, Olivia Douglass and Taliah Woodson


Hillcrest’s DECA & Culinary Clubs working together to sell Crispy Rice Treats: Elijah Davis, Taliah Woodson, Francis Brown, Ronald Luu and Antoine Thompson



Hillcrest’s Mrs. Benda, DECA, & Mrs. Sweeney, Culinary Club