Any Last Words?
March 11, 2021
As the school year comes to an interesting conclusion, one might imagine the whirlwind of emotions and thoughts running through the minds of Hillcrest’s students –the seniors–in particular. As a senior myself, I can say with utter certainty that this year has been nothing that I had previously imagined it to be. All of the last-firsts I thought I would be granted were sadly stripped away by the virus that continues to plague America (except for Texas apparently).
Not being able to have a homecoming, pep rallies, football games – not knowing if there would be a basketball season – really put a damper on my mood. However, as we–as a class–embark on the last few months of our senior year, the last few months of our high school career in general, I can’t help but wonder how the other seniors feel about having shortened seasons and how their senior year experience was in general. Due to my inquisitive nature, I took it upon myself to ask several seniors about this very topic. One might say that I got the seniors’ last words.
As a current senior and basketball player, I took the liberties to ask other basketball seniors how their senior year is playing out before them.
These were their responses:
I first interviewed Tiyanna Turner:
Essence (me): Since senior year began, has it been anything like you’ve imagined?
Tiyanna Turner: “No. I imagined my senior year to be fun and stress free, but it’s really stressful and draining, and not like I imagined it at all.”
Me: What activities did you plan on doing for your senior year?
Tiyanna: “For my senior year I planned on doing basketball, softball, and cross country, but I didn’t get to do cross country. I’m doing basketball now and I’m looking forward to softball too.
Me: Since you didn’t do cross country, was the basketball season anything you thought it would be?
Tiyanna: “No, I thought it would be a season where we would get to grow and learn our teammates a little bit more. But we only had six weeks to work things out, but so far we did good, it’s okay.”
Me: How do you feel about not knowing what senior activities we may or may not have? We didn’t have homecoming, we don’t know about prom, we don’t know when graduation will be, we don’t know about the senior field trips, how do you feel about that?
Tiyanna: “I feel like it’s unfair. Growing up these are things you look forward to, so knowing that you may not have it, it’s just kind of sad.”
Me: We recently found out that we are going to have a senior night, how do you feel about at least getting the opportunity to have that?
Tiyanna: “I’m excited but only four people can come, so it’s not going to be everything but I’m appreciative of it.”
Me: Since we all know that corona changed everything and considering the fact that you did have a season, even though it wasn’t like you thought it would be, are you still happy that you got to experience it?
Tiyanna: “Yes, I’m very happy that I got to experience this. It’s like my last time playing basketball for an actual team, so I’m very happy with everything and the outcome of my senior year.”
After interviewing Tiyanna “T-Buckets” Turner, I interviewed the star player on the Lady Hawks girls varsity basketball team, Tahlor Sutton.
Me: Since starting your senior year, has it been anything like you imagined?
Tahlor Sutton: “No, It’s easier than I expected, especially now that we’re online.
Me: What activities did you plan on participating in this year?
Tahlor: “Just basketball. I don’t really play any other sports, or find them interesting.
Me: Was the basketball season anything like you expected it to be?
Tahlor: “Yes, I expected there to not be any fans because of COVID, so this isn’t surprising.
Me: Considering that you’re a senior now, how do you feel about not knowing what senior activities we may or may not have?
Tahlor: “I’m really sad about it because I miss going to all of the games and all of the activities we usually have going on.
Me: We recently found out that we are going to be able to have a senior night. How do you feel about at least getting the opportunity to have that?
Tahlor: “I’m very excited about having a senior year night because there was a chance that we might not have had one. So it’s good that we get to have one especially because it’s our last game here.”
Me: Considering the fact that although we did have a season, and it may or may not have been what you expected, are you still glad that you had one?
Tahlor: “Yes, I’m still happy that we got to have a season and I’m glad that I had the type of teammates that I had.
After I interviewed Tahlor, I went to the boys’side and interviewed two of their players, first, I interviewed Hamahrie Bowers.
Me: Since starting your senior year, has it been anything like you’ve imagined?
Hamahrie Bowers: “No, not really because of COVID we couldn’t really have crowds at our games.”
Me: What activities did you plan on doing this year?
Hamahrie: “Just basketball.”
Me: Was the basketball season anything like you expected it to be?
Hamahrie: “Not really because we didn’t really have any fans, the games have been dry.”
Me: How do you feel about not knowing what senior activities we may or may not have?
Hamahrie: “It’s a part of me that wishes that I could have experienced it, but I’m glad we had a season still, so I don’t really think about it.”
Me: We found out that we are going to have a senior night, how do you feel about getting to have that?
Hamahrie: “I’m grateful and happy that we get to have one.”
Me: Considering that we didn’t have a homecoming and we don’t have much information about prom or graduation, the fact that you at least got to play basketball, how do you feel about that?
Hamahrie: “I’m grateful that I at least got to do this.”
Last but not least, I interviewed Julius “Juju” Rollins.
Me: Since starting your senior year, has it been anything like you’ve imagined?
Julius Rollins: “No, due to COVID. Since freshman year I’ve been planning out my senior year and it didn’t go anything like I thought it would.”
Me: What activities did you plan on doing this year?
Julius: “Basketball. We got a chance to have a season, but I was looking forward to playing a full season, going down state, things like that, and hanging out with my friends, but everything’s been closed.”
Me: Was this season anything you expected it to be?
Julius: “This season was nothing like I expected it to be, I’m just glad that we got to have a season.”
Me: How do you feel about not knowing what senior activities we may or may not have?
Julius: “It’s not fair at all because every other senior in history got prom, graduation, senior trip, all of that, but we don’t know what’s going to happen next, we’re just waiting to see what happens and that’s not fair.”
Me: We recently found out that we are going to be able to have a senior night, how do you feel about that?
Julius: “I’m glad, whatever they can give us, I’ll take it. I’m just thankful.”
With all four of the students I interviewed, there was a common factor: we can’t do much for our senior year because of COVID. Although our senior year wasn’t what we had imagined it to be, we are extremely grateful for the activities that we do get to participate in.