Senior Class Of 2023

Class of ’23 senior year: Marcus, Latrelle, Craig, Delvon, Jameir. & Leterious

Leterious Hall, Staff Writer

As the end of the year approaches, Seniors start to feel that senior fever and start to feel a mix of all types of different emotions – Sad, Joyful, Ecstatic, Depressed – All types of things as they get ready to leave family and friends and take off to college leaving everything and everyone they know and love behind. 

A lot of memories were made these past for years with the class of 2023; ones they will never forget no matter what. A lot of these kids grew up together coming from Meadowview and splitting to Southwood and Prairie Hills Junior High to come back together in high school. Time goes by so fast; it’s like we were just in middle school yesterday and now we are about to graduate from high school in a month.

Class of ’23 during their junior year: Bryce, Brianna, Jameir, Latrelle

We’ve been through a lot having only two full years of high school because of COVID hitting our freshman year and being home our whole sophomore year; we didn’t get the experience the rest of the years did, but we still pushed through.  

Junior year our first full year went great for us, no drama, no problems, nothing, as far as I know everyone was passing all classes for the majority of the year, and we all communicated well junior year – making new friends, reconnecting with old ones. Sports went well for us. First time state qualifiers for wrestling – girls basketball won regional – boys basketball won sectionals. Things were going great leading into summer, most of us stayed in touch, we had water balloon fights, a few parties and more.

Senior year comes and we don’t think anything of it at the time, you know, it being our last year and all. First semester flew by and second is here in a heartbeat