Getting to know Mr. Scurlock

Kasandra Harper, Staff Writer

Mr. Scurlock is a new teacher at Hillcrest, but is not new to teaching. He has his doctoral degree from University of Illinois and also taught at an alternative high school. Beyond Hillcrest, he teaches philosophy and religion at a college, but, while here, he teaches American History and Government.  Mr. Scurlock loves the energy at Hillcrest.

In his personal time, he is a pastor and enjoys football and working out. Mr. Scurlock has vacationed in many warm climates and would love to go to Alaska for a change! He likes the movie Star Wars, and if he could switch to any other job, it would be a truck driver! Say what?!

Mr. Scurlock is a husband and father and dislikes when kids waste time. So, students be on task and on time and welcome him to Hillcrest and show him Hawk love!