Everyone is Talking About The End

Alieh Asongwe, Senior Staff Writer

It has been 4 years since the first time we walked down these hallways. We came in with high expectations and big smiles on our faces. Eager to experience what we had watched on TV for so long. Excited to have all our firsts: kisses, relationships, and so much more. We didn’t know how the next 4 years would go, but we were along for the ride. 

High school was not easy and a huge chunk of it was taken from us due to Covid 19. We spent the better half of our sophomore year online just barely getting by. Everyone’s world had changed due to quarantine and we never thought we would come out of it. Fast forward to today and Covid has officially been declared not a threat and everything finally feels like it is going back to normal. We are closing out our senior year and as we prepare for prom and graduation I can’t help but think about the good times we had together. How we cheered loudly at games, laughed in class, and talked about how much work the teachers assigned.

I hate to say it, but this school brought us together in ways we never thought it would. We met people that would be in our lives forever, but we also fell out with people that we thought would be in our lives forever. I have had mixed feelings about attending this school, but overall I can say it was a great experience. Hillcrest will always be my home away from home and where I met some of the best people I will ever know.

This is not usually the type of Newspaper I write, but this is a farewell. A farewell to the Hawkeye, a farewell to Hillcrest, and a farewell to this chapter in our lives.

The last couple of years have changed and shaped my life immensely, I have grown emotionally and mentally and I owe it all to this school, the students, and the teachers. This is a bittersweet ending, but I know the future is bright. So goodbye and thank you for the last 4 years.

And for the last time, the real question is…