Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta ~ A Review
November 18, 2014
Spoiler alert, spoiler alert…if you don’t want to find out what happens don’t read this!
“What’s love got to do with it?” I guess a lot in the show Love and Hip Hop. The word LOVE started a war? Right?!
On one episode, Joseline and her husband Stevie had a few words with Benziono and his wife Althea before the reunion even started. Those words turned into chairs flipping and punches being thrown!
We found out that Joseline fights right alongside her man. It started when Stevie said it was cold and Benziono made a comment under his breath about it. The comments escalated and a fight broke out!
Rumor had it that Joseline was up for some fighting before she attended the reunion, so watchers weren’t shocked she joined in and punched Althea. She went on to attack Tami and pulled out her fake pony tail…oh no she didn’t! But yes, SHE DID! She also went after Mimi.
Why did she attack two women not even involved? Security was called and both couples were escorted off the set.
The show continued, and you should join in and watch the next episode of LOVE AND HIP HOP: Atlanta!