Animal Cruelty: More Can Be Done

Anisa Richard, Staff Writer

There are an incredible number of animal cruelty cases reported each day and some of them aren’t acknowledged or seen at all.

Animal abuse isn’t just a problem in and of itself, but it also can tie into different issues that also need attention called to them. In more than just some cases when the animals of the household are abused, it can be assumed that domestic abuse is involved also.

In one study of families under investigation for suspected child abuse, researches found that pet abuse had occurred in 88 percent of the families under supervision for physical abuse of their children.

Domestic abuse isn’t the only problem attracted by animal cruelty. Hoarding disorder and violent mental issues are also strongly tied into animal abuse. By keeping a close eye on animal abuse, we can catch other bigger and serious problems, too, like Organized Animal Cruelty. 

Organized animal cruelty could be many things, but a specific example would be dogfighting. Dogfighting happens all over the world and in many cases many more crimes are involved with this. Drugs are exchanged at dogfights, and people are murdered over dogfight bets as low as 10 dollars.

In spite of all these negatives, not enough is being done about animal cruelty. Don’t misunderstand, rules are being set in place, but those rules don’t offer enough consequences and the rules that are set aren’t being enforced properly.

Reports about repeated abuse often lead to felony charges but why can’t it happen the first time inflicted? Why does the animal have to be repeatedly abused for it to be noted and taken care of? The answer is lost to many of us. The one thing that can be said is that the government is trying to put more emphasis on the care of animals all around.

A law that was enacted in 1966 called the “Animal Welfare Act” saved many animals lives. It involves all kinds of animals including those who are held in puppy mills, those kept in zoos, used in laboratories or animals who are commercially bred. This law is specifically important because it acknowledges not just the household animals but also other animals that are farm-based and more. 

Another law that deeply contributes to the care of animals is the “28 hour law” which was passed in 1873 which is for the sake of animals being transported for slaughter. It requires the vehicle holding the animals to be stopped every 28 hours to allow the animals to get food and water and also exercise.

Another law similar to this one is called the “Humane Slaughter Act” which was passed in 1958 and requires the animal to be knocked out before being slaughtered to ensure minimal pain, but even this law was seen by government inspectors to be inconsistent.

Even livestock animals deserve basic humane respect. The effort is also shown in the PACT (Preventing animal cruelty and torture) law. This is the newest law signed in 2019 which is also up to date with the current practices such as the internet. These days the internet, plus social media is very important in the way it influences not just people but children also which is why this law is specifically important to the future of the well-being of animals. It prohibits any type of animal abuse to be surfaced or posted on the media for viewing.

Laws like these need to be continued and actually followed through with the necessary punishments no matter what type of animal is involved.